Ageless. The beauty of biking is that age doesn’t inhibit the enthusiast.   So long as you continue to bike regularly, you never lose those muscles.  Our eldest CycleGreece rider, Dr. Peter Klopfer of Duke University, was 83 years old and pedaled every single stretch with the group.   Then there’s the indefatigable Louise Taylor, a three-time CycleGreece client from Olympia Washington, who spent her 70th birthday in Rhodes on her first tour with us.

Convenience.  Seniors who opt for a Guided Tour do so because there is always the convenience of a vehicle support.  If you get fatigued, just hop in the van.  If you want cold water, the van carries a cooler.  If you don’t feel like carrying your day pack on your back or street shoes on your rack, leave ’em in the van.   The support vehicle holds spare parts; if you get a flat, the driver grabs a fully pumped spare wheel and before you can refill your water bottle you’re ready to get back in the saddle.

Seniors Only.  From time to time we offer Seniors Only tours where you can ride with cyclists more inclined to bike at your same pace and who may likely share your sensibilities about what you want to see, do and experience on your Greece cycling holiday.   If you would like to participate in a Seniors Only tour, give us a holler and we’ll make best efforts to arrange another one.

Trip Recommendation: Taking a ferry can be daunting if you have to walk your bike and luggage together on and off the boat amidst the “organized chaos” that erupts when a ferry docks.  On the Cycle Cyclades guided tour all the luggage is in the vehicle and the bikes on the rack above.  You carry nothing.  It’s a piece of cake embarking and disembarking on this tour’s four ferry transfers.

Electric Bicycles:   E-bikes were surely invented by a senior.  They are the perfect solution when you want to keep cycling those long, hilly rides but you might have run out of steam in later life.  Stay in the game by giving yourself a boost with a little electric energy.   Read about e-bikes in Our Bikes.








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